Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Entry 10: Lenina from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley’s Diary upon Meeting John
Dear Diary,
Today, the strangest of things happened. Bernard and I ran into a woman and her son, I know I’m disgusted even to write it, and as it turns out the woman was originally from our London. They were both very strange indeed but the man had a certain charm about him that I should like to look into if I ever see him again.-Lenina

Dear Diary,
Bernard has managed to bring both the woman, Linda, and her son, John, back to London. It’s remarkable really. John has become a bit of a celebrity as the savage and is being showered by attention and parties that he doesn’t seem to accept with the greatest gratitude. He also seems a bit standoffish towards me but I assume that’s just got to do with him having yet to get accustomed to this place, for our society is far different from the one he was raised in. I quite hope he likes me back but at this point I can’t be certain. I have never felt quite like this before about any one person. How peculiar.-Lenina

Dear Diary,

I have decided that I won’t wait any longer: today I will tell John of my feelings for him. I highly doubt he should turn me down but the strangeness of his upbringing might cause an unexpected reaction. I doubt this is very likely, though. I really hope that he tells me he has feelings for me as well, because I have never felt so strongly about anyone and it’s the weirdest thing and oh I’m getting carried away. I pray that Ford grant me luck.-Lenina

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