Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Entry 5: Linda from Brave New World by Aldous Huxley’s Diary upon Becoming Stuck in the Reservation
Dear Diary,
I have been injured and therefore unable to reunite with the director as we had planned and head back home. I’m stuck here in this ghastly place with these savage creatures and am utterly appalled. There is dirt everywhere and absolutely nothing is clean. The way that these people, if they can even be called that, live is disgusting. The smells are terrible and the people are always filthy. At this point, the only thing keeping me from a complete breakdown is the knowledge that I will be rescued soon and I won’t have to stay much longer. I’ll have my Soma and simple things like scent organs and feelies soon enough but my is this place dreadful. I will write again soon from a place far better than this.-Linda

Dear Diary,
For some reason I have yet to be rescued and brought home. I suppose something must have gone wrong because I am sure that I’m being looked for. This place continues to be so incredibly strange and awful. The savages’ rituals and way of life are deplorable and I still haven’t been able to wrap my head around how they survive this way. Today, while being examined, one of the savages here that thinks themselves a nurse was attempting to tell me something. Although I couldn’t quite understand due to their strange, terrible language, I believe I made out that they were telling me I was to have a baby. This is impossible of course and I found it quite silly to even consider such a thing. The savage must have been saying something else. Anyways, I’m positive that I’ll be saved from this wretched place and these awful people soon enough.-Linda

Dear Diary,
I thought it was bad before but now my situation has become far worse. That stupid savage nurse was somehow right, I am to have a child in due time. The idea simply disgusts me. I’m ready for it to be revealed that this is all some nightmare and not happening to me. I’m so alone. Everyone here hates me. I hate to be alone. I’m scared and I’m beginning to lose hope in being rescued. And my sanity. May Ford help me.-Linda

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